The Big Breakfast Blaa

Listen back: Wayne Brown talks virtual travel, in his tech slot

Listen back: Wayne Brown talks virtual travel, in his tech slot
everest, machu picchu, route 66

There are apps and websites that allow you travel virtually while in lockdown

With everyone stuck within their 5k radius for the foreseeable, and the prospect of a walking holiday abroad being a pipe dream, Wayne explains that through the wonders of technology, you can virtually visit Machu Picchu, The Grand Canyon, The Great Pyramids of Giza - or even the ring of Kerry - and collect a medal for your efforts -  all using your phone and an app.

With any smartphone it’s possible to spice up your motivation for running, walking or cycling (or any distance based exercise) by taking on a virtual fitness challenges.

In his latest tech slot, Wayne focused on The Conquerer Virtual Challenges, talking us through how the website and apps work, and the virtual rewards you get from it.


If you like Wayne's slots with us, have a listen here to his thoughts on e-scooters and how they  might work under Irish law.

And below is his virtual travel chat with Andy and me on The Big Breakfast Blaa..
