The Big Breakfast Blaa

Listen back: Maria McCann gives her thoughts on The Comey Rule, with Brendan Gleeson as Donald Trump

Listen back: Maria McCann gives her thoughts on The Comey Rule, with Brendan Gleeson as Donald Trump

Brendan Gleeson as Donald Trump in "The Comey Rule"

Irishman Gleeson is the first to take on portraying Donald Trump in a serious way, in this highly anticipated Showtime miniseries The Comey Rule. It's centred around James Comey, former director of the FBI, and focuses on the period of his career from where he led the investigation into Hilary Clinton's emails, up until the point where he was fired by Trump following the FBI's Russia investigation.  It's based on Comey's own book A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership. 

In her review on The Big Breakfast Blaa, Maria says Gleeson was very convincing playing the President, and she also heaped praise in particular on Jeff Daniels for his portrayal of Comey. Have a listen to her review..
