The Big Breakfast Blaa

Listen back: Dungarvan native David King talks about his son Adam's appearance on The Toy Show

Listen back: Dungarvan native David King talks about his son Adam's appearance on The Toy Show
toy show late late adam

Adam King won many hearts when he appeared on The Late Late Toy Show

After an emotional few months, we all needed the lift that The Late Late Toy Show gave us in late November. One of the big highlights was the appearance of little Adam King from Cork, a space fanatic who had virtual hugs for us all. He also met his other hero, John Doyle, a porter at Temple Street Hospital.

You can watch that moment here...

Adam captured the attention of some of the big names at NASA, including Chris Hadfield, who tweeted that he'd love to chat to the little boy...


A week later and another Late Late Show rolled around, and Adam was again a guest with Ryan Tubridy, this time as part of a link up with the man himself, Chris Hadfield!

And the honours didn't stop there for Adam. He also got a lovely letter from the Taoiseach, Michéal Martin.

I caught up with Adam's Dad,  Dungarvan native David, who spoke to me about how special the last few weeks have been for the whole family. David wrote a book about Adam, called But Really..Adventures with a Difference, which is available in local book shops..

And you can listen back to my chat with David here...
