The Big Breakfast Blaa

Eamonn McEneaney talks about a silver hotwater urn and its connection to Robert Emmet.

Eamonn McEneaney talks about a silver hotwater urn and its connection to Robert Emmet.

In his virtual tour of Waterford Treasures on WLR’s Big Breakfast Blaa, Eamonn McEneaney tells Ollie and Mary all about the connection between a silver hotwater urn and its connection to Robert Emmet.Irish  Republican, and Irish nationalist patriot, orator and rebel leader. After leading an abortive rebellion against British rule in 1803 he was captured then tried and executed for high treason against the British king George III of Great Britain and Ireland.

If you enjoy Eamonn’s slots with us on The Big Breakfast Blaa,  listen here to what he had to say about World War 1 memorabilia, donated to Waterford Treasures, part of which is a bronze memorial plaque, known as the ‘Dead Man’s Penny’ sent to the family of Waterford teenager John Condon who is thought to be one of the youngest, if not the youngest soldier to fight in World War 1.

And below is his chat with us about Robert Emmet.
