Tóg Go Bog É

Tóg Go Bog É, Interview August 24th, Tom O Donohue

Tóg Go Bog É, Interview August 24th, Tom O Donohue
John Keane
John Keane

Tóg Go Bog É, Aug 24th, this week Tom O’Donoghue, a Professor of Education and proud Déise man now based in Australia, about his life and his travels across the world teaching and lecturing, in particular his years spent in Papua New Guinea.

An uair seo, cloisimid ó Tom O’Donoghue, Ollamh le h-Oideachas agus Déiseach bródúil anois bunaithe san Astráil, faoi a shaol agus a chuid taisteal timpeall an domhan ag múineadh agus ag léachtóireacht, ach go háirithe na blianta a chaith sé i Nua Ghuine Phapua.
