
Listen Back to Up Down Boy on Showtime

Listen Back to Up Down Boy on Showtime
Wayne Brown
Wayne Brown

Listen Back to Up Down Boy on Showtime

Listen Back to Up Down Boy on Showtime.

Sean Upton shines as the star in Up Down Boy. "There aren’t many movies or plays with people who have Down syndrome," Sean explains. "And when there are, they often have smaller roles. I want to be the star."

This local adaptation is based on Sue Shields' British play Up Down Boy. Sean brings his own life experiences to portray 19-year-old Jack O’Leary as he prepares for college.

Up Down Boy is a heartwarming and funny play about Jack, a young man with Down syndrome, and his mother. The show blends hilarious stories from Jack’s childhood with songs, dances, and skits. The audience enters Jack’s colorful imagination—an extension of Sean’s own creative world.


Sean met producer and director David Hennessy, and they quickly connected. Soon, they began planning a show where Sean could truly shine. "Sean's unique view of the world and natural talent hooked me instantly," David shares. "His joy for life is contagious, and I can’t wait to share that with everyone."

Actress Brenda Giles joins them as Jack’s mother. The show will be fully accessible to Waterford's disability community. A relaxed performance will be available for those on the autism spectrum, with sensory or communication disorders, or learning difficulties.

"Theatre is for everyone," David reminds us.

"I hope Up Down Boy inspires venues and producers to include people of all abilities, both on stage and behind the scenes."


All proceeds from the show will support the Down Syndrome Waterford & South Kilkenny branch. 💙

Tickets for Up Down Boy can be got by clicking this link.

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