
Listen back to Billy O'Brien on Showtime

Listen back to Billy O'Brien on Showtime
Wayne Brown
Wayne Brown

Listen back to Billy O'Brien on Showtime.

Listen back to Billy O'Brien on Showtime. A brand new Chamber Music Festival has been dreamed up by two local brothers - Billy and Paddy O'Brien. Mount Congreve is the venue later this month. Billy called in to fill us in.

It promises beautiful performances of classical chamber music presented by an outstanding group of Irish musicians.  These musicians work has garnered national and international acclaim. Three concerts will present favourites of the chamber music canon by Brahms, Schubert, the Schumanns, Dohnyani & more. There's a special emphasis on the music of Gabriel Fauré and his compatriots, celebrating his centenary year.

On Saturday morning, catch a Young Artists' Concert will feature the music-making of talented young pianists Alexandra Keane and Louise Byrne.  

On Saturday afternoon, experienced animateur Sophie Lee will host a Children's Composition Workshop, allowing younger visitors create some music of their own.


All events will be fully accessible, and while younger guests are welcome to the Composition Workshop, the four concerts are adult only. This is due to the rare and delicate nature of the Chinese wallpaper on the walls of the venue.

Tickets and more info from https://www.waterfordchambermusic.com/

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