On The Fringe

On The Fringe Aug 6th - Waterford Youth Arts & Agnes Aylward is One Of Our Own

On The Fringe Aug 6th - Waterford Youth Arts & Agnes Aylward is One Of Our Own
John Keane
John Keane

On The Fringe, Aug 6th. We hear from  Waterford Youth Arts who will be performing 'Under Milk Wood' in Garter Lane August 14th - 17th. Actors Molly, Willow, Ryan and stage manager Sinead discuss the fun and fantastical Dylan Thomas play with Gemma and

In tonight's One of Our Own, Agnes Aylward of the Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens in Tramore, describes her passion for the internationally recognized garden. She discusses its development and also being the recipient of the Commendation of the Foreign Minister of Japan Award in August 2021.
