Food Matters with Aisling Larkin

Food Matters - Summer Holiday Top Tips for Feeding Our Little Ones Well

Food Matters - Summer Holiday Top Tips for Feeding Our Little Ones Well
Ray Colclough
Ray Colclough

In Episode 12  of Food Matters well-renowned Chef, TV Cook, and Food Media Broadcaster Aisling Larkin chats about Summer Holiday Top Tips for Feeding Our Little Ones Well.

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Summer Holiday Top Tips for Feeding Our Little Ones Well


Top tips for keeping them eating well over the summer holidays and avoiding those 50 million snacks they will come looking for.

  • Give them the autonomy of choice …. You provide the options they choose which option they prefer.
  • Ice cream and Treats

“Today we are going to the zoo we are going to have a treat there so would you guys prefer to buy a chocolate bar now or would you like to get an ice cream at the zoo ?”

  • Keep to the schedule of school as much as possible
  • Don’t comment, don’t punish, and don’t positively or negatively reinforce behaviour. Be neutral
  • Make mornings count -  protein and high-fibre
  • Add a little sweetness when serving vegetables -  butter on peas, honey on carrots, broccoli and hot honey drizzle
  • Be a good role model
  • Remember food is fuel and energy -  food is not good or bad it is about what benefit it brings out in the body … some foods taste lovely but give us no energy to play and others taste good or not soo sweet but give us lots of energy.
  • Self-service -  build a bowl, build a plate …..
  • Sensory Seekers or Sensory Avoiders -  find out which to be in with the chance of satiating your child.
  • Do an audit and a test on your little one…..
  • Dont take away - add things in first
  • Pasta swaps - chickpea pasta
  • Swap from breakfast juice for a breakfast smoothie

Just sugar and a tiny bit of vitamins  - all of a sudden you can create a nutrient-dense food and they can have protein and calcium in the form of a dollop of yogurt,  I always put in a spoon of milled flaxseeds and chia seeds, juice or coconut water, frozen berries  -  cheaper, as nutritious and they make it super cold.

Check the list for each meal. -  where is the wholegrain, Where is the protein, where is the fruit and veg



Baked Oats

Overnight Oats



Wholegrain pancake  - yoghurt and fruit

Chia jam



Power balls


Snickers bites

Ice pops

Sour cream & onion pretzels

Wholewheat wrap with peanut butter and a banana wrapped up inside

Hummus and crackers/breadsticks




Picnic Plates  -  I have been doing them for over a decade

Carb -  wholegrain

Protein - hummus, halloumi, ham, turkey, cold meatballs, cheese, dairy

Fruit and veg


( crunchy, salty, sweet, creamy )

Wholewheat crackers


Airfryer roll-ups with ham and cheese

Soup  -  3-2-1 soup

Tomato soup

Sausage rolls -  Frankfurters & Mozzarella or my vegetarian ones, sweet potatoes, cumin, roast red pepper relish, chickpeas



Dinner  -  the hardest meal of the day

Give up !!! I joke!

But do fill them up early  -  they are more regulated from a sensory perspective early in the day… they have a bigger appetite, they are not overstimulated, and not over-tired

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper …
