Déise Today

Waterford's Tony Kelly is bringing "The Hurler" from stage to screen

Waterford's Tony Kelly is bringing "The Hurler" from stage to screen
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

Actor, comedian, playwright and screenwriter Tony Kelly is developing a feature film based on The Hurler. 

Originally a web series, the trials and tribulations of  Gar Campion became a play in 2020, and was staged at Garter Lane in Waterford.

Plans to bring The Hurler to Broadway had to be scuppered due to the Pandemic, money from which was to fund the film.

However, determined to create a movie version regardless, Tony told Damien a full cast and crew will finally start work on Monday April 11th, with Kilkenny-based Dicemen Productions.


"With the cast and crew that I've assembled, I don't think there's any reason why we shouldn't be looking towards getting a cinema release, or something like Amazon or Netflix," he told Damien.

Tony said he called in "every favour that I could possibly think of," to turn The Hurler into a film, adding that he could not have done it without the help of fellow Waterfordians, Eddie Mulligan and Jim "Flash" Gordan.

Have a listen to Tony's chat with Damien on Deise Today, through the link in this podcast.

And you can find out more here about his other recent venture, Ronnie. 


