Déise Today

Waterford's ICA: still going strong!

Waterford's ICA: still going strong!
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

They are the largest women's association in Ireland, with some 6,000 members in 440 guilds (branches) around the country.

And here in Waterford, there are 10 such guilds spread all over the county from Cheekpoint, right down to Ardmore.

The ICA or 'Irish Countrywomen's Association', cook, travel, craft and socialise; providing a welcoming and fun organisation offering support, friendship, personal development, education and life-long learning opportunities to the women involved.

This morning, Damien was joined in the 'Deise Today' studio for a chat by Mary Birney.


She is Federation President (ICA Waterford) and you can listen back to their chat about all things ICA (!) by clicking on the image above...





