Déise Today

Waterford woman hits out at lack of empathy over cost of living

Waterford woman hits out at lack of empathy over cost of living
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

A Waterford woman who's struggling with the cost of living says those that are responsible for price hikes "don't care and are out of touch."

Coalition leaders met last night to look at further ways of addressing the rising cost of living. An increase to the €100 energy credit is believed to be among the measures being considered.

Waterford woman Cheryl Barry - who's a Masters Student and single mother of two - is among many people feeling the impact of the cost of living. She appeared on RTÉ television last night. Speaking to Maria on foot of that interview she said:

This is reality for many of us, I'm the face of one person but the voice of many. There are a lot worse out there than me, I know that and respect that. It needs to come to the forefront...we're a nation of 'put up and shut up.'


Cheryl she hit out at the idea that people should "shop around," as was suggested by Junior Minister Séan Fleming on RTÉ Radio (he's since apologised for the comments). Cheryl said shopping around is a way of life when you struggle with the cost of living.

She was also critical of the idea that those who set prices don't take more responsiblity, "where do they (suppliers) feel this is ethically and morally right to keep hiking prices? Why is it back on the consumer to address this?" she asked.

Have a listen to Cheryl's chat with Maria, through the link in this podcast.

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