Déise Today

Waterford MEP Grace O'Sullivan discusses Irish neutrality and Ukraine

Waterford MEP Grace O'Sullivan discusses Irish neutrality and Ukraine
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

Tramore native Grace O'Sullivan, Green Party MEP for Ireland South, was in studio with Damien to discuss Ukraine.

He was also joined by Vadim Jones, a Ukrainian national living in Waterford. He spoke about how his family is coping, saying they are "still afraid, hiding, and living a new reality," in the face of bombings and violence.

Joining the conversation, Grace O'Sullivan told Vadim that "the Irish people are with you," adding that she hopes and prays that some kind of resolution will come out of the meeting today between Presidents of Russia and Ukraine, Vladmimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Grace O'Sullivan and the issue of Irish neutrality

Damien also asked Grace O'Sullivan about European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen's commitment that €400 million euro worth of arms will go to Ukraine.


President Von Der Leyen also confirmed there will also be a separate EU fund of "non-lethal"  supplies (in the form of fuel etc). Ireland has committed to that fund.

Regarding neutrality, Damien asked Grace O'Sullivan, who is a pacifist, where she thinks Ireland should fall now?

"We've always been known as the country that will come in on a humanitarian basis, and that we do not support the militaristic arsenals being built up in any country. So it's really important for me as pacifist that we recognise that we do have a role in this, in terms of humanitarian, but also in terms of diplomacy."

However, Damien pressed her further, asking about the money provided by the EU for "lethal weaponary," and whether she agrees with this stance. She told him she struggles with the idea of non-peaceful means of solving the Ukrainian crisis.


"I do not support the funding of lethal weapons," she emphasised, telling Damien she'll make her final decision tomorrow on whether to support the EU's military package, when she meets with other members of the Green Group in the European Parliament.

You can listen to the full interview between Grace and Damien, through the link in this podcast.

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