Déise Today

Waterford camera club celebrates 50th anniversary with exhibition

Waterford camera club celebrates 50th anniversary with exhibition
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

Waterford Camera Club is celebrating a milestone 50 years in existence, and is holding an exhibition to celebrate.

85 photos are on display at City Square for the coming two weeks, to showcase the work of the members.

Speaking to Damien, Chairperson Peter Bijsterveld said "we asked the members to send it two pictures that we thought would represent the club."

Peter added that while technology has changed over the decades, "the basics of making a picture are still the same; setting up a camera, the composition and the time it takes," he said.


Peter said since opening at the weekend there's already been a huge response to the exhibition, with a lot of photos already sold.

The showcase is also a fundraiser for suicide intervention group Waterford Haven Hub. 

Have a listen to Peter's chat with Damien, through the link in this podcast.

And for all Deise podcasts, click here.


