Déise Today

Team at Solas Centre "flabbergasted" by €20,000 anonymous donation

Team at Solas Centre "flabbergasted" by €20,000 anonymous donation
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

The Solas Cancer Support Centre, headquartered in Waterford, has received an anonymous donation of €20,000.

Speaking to Damien on Déise Today, Centre CEO Barry Monaghan says it's the biggest individual donation they've ever received. He said:

The staff in the centre opened up their morning post to receive a bank draft made out to the Solas Centre, for just over €20,000, with a scribbled note to say "I availed of the service and found it really helpful and supportive."

Barry says the Solas Centre is grateful for all fundraising and support but that they're "flabbergasted" to have received this donation,


The Centre provides services to the people of Waterford and the South East. These include counselling, relaxation therapies and group support services provided on site. The team at Solas offers support to those affected by cancer, their families and carers. It's seen as  a safe place to talk, relax and express emotions.

It costs between €600,000 and €700,000 a year to run the Solas Centre and it relies on fundraising to keep its doors open.

Barry went on to tell Damien that the anonymous €20,000 donation will allow 100 people to avail of a range of Solas services over the course of a few months.

Have a listen to the full conversation between Damien and  Barry, through the link in this podcast.


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