Déise Today

Support group helping siblings who have suffered bereavement

Support group helping siblings who have suffered bereavement
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

Have you experienced the death of a sibling? Or has a child of yours experienced it?

'Jacinta's Smile' is a registered charity in the Midlands, set up by three sisters who had sadly lost three other of their own siblings in the 10 years previous.

The O'Toole sisters recognised the need for a support service and the charity -  named after their late sister Jacinta - was born.

Aishleen O'Toole was a guest on 'Deise Today' with Maria McCann this morning talking about the group and her experience of loss.


While the group are based in Roscommon, they do support families in Waterford with events they run.

They also have a number of play therapists in the Waterford area that offer support locally.

You can contact 'Jacinta's Smile' via [email protected] or by calling either 0906625898 or mobile 087 4220000

You can also listen back to the chat with Aishleen by clicking on the image above.


