Déise Today

Prof John Sweeney talks marine heatwaves and extreme weather!

Prof John Sweeney talks marine heatwaves and extreme weather!
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

If flooding occurs in Waterford occurs over the next while it may well be related to the sea temperature off the Waterford coast.

That's according to one of Ireland's leading climate experts, Prof John Sweeney of NUI Maynooth, who was speaking on Deise Today this morning (Tuesday).

Exceptionally high sea temperatures are being recorded off parts of the Irish coast at the moment, particularly in the western part of the country.

Marine heatwaves are new to the North Atlantic but scientists say they are set to become a regular feature here, with temperatures recently having jumped to 4C to 5C above normal for this time of the year.


Last weekend, Tralee in Co Kerry was hit by a rain onslaught which led to severe flooding.

It's too early to link a single weather event to climate change but scientists have consistently warned that heatwaves in the sea can have impacts such as storms and floods locally.

Prof John Sweeney, who is Emeritus Professor of Geography at NUI Maynooth, spoke about the issue on Deise Today this morning (Tues) and gave his view on whether more of the same may happen, including in Waterford, going forward.

You can listen back to his chat with Damien by clicking on the image above.
