Déise Today

Olena from Ukraine is united with family members in Waterford

Olena from Ukraine is united with family members in Waterford
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

On Déise Today, Damien caught up with Olena, a Ukrainian national living in Waterford, who has now been reunited with some members of her family.

However, her mother remains behind in the war-torn country.

Olena's sister Olga has flown into Ireland via Poland, and the two siblings are now together in Ballygunner.

Olena, a previous guest on Déise Today, caught up with Damien again. Speaking of her sister arriving she said "the great news is she's safe, she's alive and she's made a very long, brave journey."


However, Olena said it's been heartbreaking for the family to separate from their mother; a poet and writer based in Eastern Ukraine, who was not in a position to travel for health reasons.

She explains how her sister Olga, both a psychologist and a dancer, had been giving support to other families who were crossing the border into Poland together.

Have a listen to Olena's emotional conversation with Damien, through the link in this podcast.

And for all Déise podcasts, click here.
