Déise Today

Nicola Hayes joins Damien to discuss Hypnotherapy

Nicola Hayes joins Damien to discuss Hypnotherapy
WLR News
WLR News

Nicola Hayes, a Waterford Hypnotherapist specialising in anxiety, IBS, and destructive habits joined Damien in studio to discuss her job and a free programme she is running for the month of February.

Nicola explains what hypnotherapy is and what it does.

She outlines who can be hypnotised and explains it's not like the "magic and mystery" that we see in Hollywood films.

In fact, Nicola says that we go into hypnosis several times a day. She then goes on to give examples of this.


Hypnotherapy is actually considered a science as it moves your conscious mind to the side allowing your brain to create new neural pathways.

Nicola explains this further throughout the conversation.

In terms of the free programme she is running for the month of February, Nicola says it has been deisgned to help people to reconnect while also offering participants a general stress and anxiety relief.

She explains how and what you need to take part.


To find out more, click the link in this podcast.

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