Déise Today

Listen: The 'back room' teams behind our election candidates!...

Listen: The 'back room' teams behind our election candidates!...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long
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IT's just over a week now since Waterford elected its four TDs to represent the county in the 34th Dail.

It followed an intense three-week 'official' campaign for all 15 candidates locally but of course, the work to get elected and re-elected had been going on behind the scenes for a long time before this!

For the successful four, it's no doubt a welcome relief to have 'made the cut' so to speak and to now be preparing to take up position in Leinster House.

But what about the people behind them?! Their 'back room' teams who have pounded the pavements with them of late and have put their own lives on hold, in many cases, to work to get them elected!


This morning (Monday), on 'Deise Today', we spoke to three of them; FF's Jason Murphy; FG's Lauren Traynor AND Sinn Fein's Joeanne Bailey.

You can listen back by clicking on the image above....

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