Déise Today

Listen: Phobias and how to deal with them!

Listen: Phobias and how to deal with them!
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

Phobias are intense, irrational fears of specific objects, situations, or activities.

They can deeply impact individuals’ lives, constraining their actions and choices.

Whether the fear is of spiders, dogs, flying etc, it can be seriously crippling for the person involved.

This morning on 'Deise Today', Damien chatted to an expert in the field of phobias - Michael Ledden.


Michael is the founder of 'Anxiety Ireland', a psychotherapist specialising in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy); as well as being chair and co-founder of the 'PsyCare Ireland: Welfare and Harm Reduction CLG' social enterprise.

You can listen back to their interesting chat by clicking on the image above!


