Déise Today

Listen: Owner of Woodhouse Estate on theft of Stradbally statue...

Listen: Owner of Woodhouse Estate on theft of Stradbally statue...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long
As you may have heard on our News bulletins, residents in the picturesque village of Stradbally have been left shocked by the theft of a beloved statue.
The eye-catching creation located near the heart of the village was commissioned by Jim Thompson, owner of Woodhouse Estate, to pay tribute to the teachers and musicians of the village and surrounding area.
It had become a focal point in the area, with many visitors stopping to admire its beauty.
The theft, which is believed to have occurred on Wednesday night, is currently being investigated by Waterford gardai.
The owner of Woodhouse Estate, Jim Thompson, spoke to Damien Tiernan on 'Deise Today' this morning (Friday) about his, and the local shock, over the theft.
You can listen back to their chat by clicking on the image above...