Déise Today

Listen: Grace O'Sullivan AND Minister Patrick O'Donovan on the Nature Restoration Law

Listen: Grace O'Sullivan AND Minister Patrick O'Donovan on the Nature Restoration Law
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

WATERFORD Green MEP Grace O'Sullivan has described her disappointment at news that the Environment Committee of the European Parliament has vote to reject the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law.

In a tight vote, 44 of the 88 committee members voted in favour of the proposed legislation while the remaining 44 voted against it.

The result is a recommendation that the European Parliament rejects the proposed law in a plenary parliamentary voting session scheduled for July.

Speaking to WLR's Damien Tiernan on Deise Today this morning (Wednesday), Grace O'Sullivan said the law was aimed at protecting and restoring habitats.


Meanwhile, Damien also spoke to Minister of State with the responsibility for the OPW  Patrick O'Donovan (Limerick Fine Gael TD).

He told Damien that while he felt some laws did need to be brought in regarding biodiversity, he felt this current attempt was "bundled" and "rushed" and lacked detail and certainty!

You can listen back to both Grace O'Sullivan, and Minister Patrick O'Donovan, by clicking on the image above.

