Déise Today

Listen back: Life post hysterectomy...

Listen back: Life post hysterectomy...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

It's a seldom talked about topic but hysterectomies are procedures that many, many Irish women undergo each year - and the physical and psychological effects can be huge.

Gabrielle Cummins is the CEO of radio station Beat 102 103.

In October 2021 - after years of suffering abdominal pain -  she underwent a hysterectomy at University Hospital Waterford.

Sixteen months later,  she is still adjusting to life after this procedure and this past week, she wrote about her health journey in The Irish Times.


This morning (Friday), Gabrielle spoke to Damien Tiernan on Deise Today.

She hopes writing and talking about her experiences will help other women who may have been through something similar, or who may find themselves facing it down the line.

You can listen back to Gabrielle's interview by clicking on the image above.
