Déise Today

Listen back: Gary Robinson's story...

Listen back: Gary Robinson's story...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

Gary Robinson is from Waterford city - and five years ago, found he was struggling.

On the outside, life looked great. Good job, beautiful family and a wonderful house.

But on the inside, he was anxious, stressed, not sleeping and had no self-belief.

He was diagnosed with depression and although it was recommended he take prescription drugs, Gary wanted an alternative.


And he found it in the form of an online mentor.

Today, Gary is running his own health and wellness business, teaching people how to overcome the same mental health issues he went through.

He says it's his mission to increase more about mental health; and we can start by talking about it.

On Deise Today this morning (Tuesday), Gary told his story to presenter Damien Tiernan.


You can listen back by clicking on the image above.
