Déise Today

Listen back: Carrie Crowley in studio with Damien...

Listen back: Carrie Crowley in studio with Damien...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

SHE's one of Waterford best known and best loved actresses and she's just about to take to the stage again in a new Jim Nolan play.

Carrie Crowley, Gaelgoir, former radio and TV presenter and of course, Eurovision host, is starring in the much-anticipated 'Castel Gandolfo' (directed by Ben Barnes) which opens in Garter Lane on October 3 next.

Though busy with rehearsals, she took time out to pop into studio for 'Deise Today' for a wide-ranging chat about the new play, her career to date, love of the Irish language and much more.

You can listen back to Carrie talking to Damien by clicking on the image above....


