Déise Today

Listen: A new chapter for The Granary Cafe...

Listen: A new chapter for The Granary Cafe...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long
IT'S the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter on Hanover Street in Waterford city this week.
Peter Fowler, of The Granary Cafe, has announced his retirement after 18 years running the hugely popular eaterie.
Peter is handing over the reins to Renars Pundurs, originally from Latvia but now living in Dunhill.
Renars starting working at the cafe himself back in 2007 with no catering experience, but is now excited to be taking over the ownership.
Kieran Foley, from WLR News, went along to The Granary Cafe this week to speak to both men...
You can listen back by clicking on the image above.