Déise Today

Krysia Lynch on C-sections and doctor's fears of being sued

Krysia Lynch on C-sections and doctor's fears of being sued
WLR News
WLR News

Krysia Lynch is the Chairperson of AIMS Ireland (Association for Improvements in Maternity Services), a childbirth expert, and a doula. 

She spoke to Damien this morning via the phone to discuss the findings of a new report on Cesarian sections.

The report found that doctors and nurses in Ireland prefer to carry out C-sections as they have a fear of being sued, especially by first-time mothers.

More than one-third of first-time mothers are delivering their babies via C-section.


The study was conducted by people in Trinity College Dublin and was published in a medical journal.

Krysia believes that people should only be having a C-section if it is necessary or desired as it is an abdominal surgery.

They can carry an increased risk of bleeding, further conception, breastfeeding difficulties, and placental disruption.

Waterford has an induction rate of 55%. Generally, when a mother is induced, they are more likely to have a C-section.


Krysia also touched on the difference between the public and private sectors of the industry.

To listen to the full conversation, click the link in this podcast.

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