Déise Today

Jimmy Burrows of Fresh Food Courtyard on a stress-free Christmas Dinner

Jimmy Burrows of Fresh Food Courtyard on a stress-free Christmas Dinner
WLR News
WLR News

Jimmy Burrows, Proprietor of the Fresh Food Courtyard in Dungarvan, joined Damien in studio to discuss how to make Christmas Dinner a stress-free experience.

He gave tips on how to cook a turkey in such a way to keep it moist - one of which might shock you!

The two discussed their favourite cuts of the bird and what they do with their turkey's juices and bones.

He discusses baking your ham/turkey the night before and what gets put on the ham in terms of a glaze.


They then went on to talk about a Christmas Dinner essentials - potatoes and veg.

Jimmy shared how to cook both and what flavours he likes to use on each, as well as the convenience of pre-prepped veggies.

He is also celebrating five years in business this year!

Jimmy's shop is the first place Damien ever did an outside broadcast.


To listen to the full conversation and get your Christmas Dinner advice, click the link in this podcast.

For more Déise podcasts, click here. 
