Déise Today

Jason Murphy talks about becoming the new Metropolitan Mayor

Jason Murphy talks about becoming the new Metropolitan Mayor
WLR News
WLR News

Newly elected Mayor of Waterford City Jason Murphy joined Damien to discuss his new role and his life before politics.

He reflected on his childhood, sharing some funny stories of his younger days, and touched on the emotional side of being elected.

He spoke about his parents and the love they shared, despite the hardship they faced in life. Cllr Murphy says his father is the reason he got into politics and that his mother gave him and his siblings a great sense of dignity.

His mother was also mentioned in his speech after being elected. He shared how she defended him growing up and informed his attitude towards life.


Cllr Murphy was raised surrounded by love and believes that nobody can survive without it.

He encouraged people that anyone can get into politics if they have a passion and something they believe in, even if they do not have a qualification or degree. The metropolitan mayor himself was in court at 10 years old for missing over 60 days of school.

Cllr Murphy was voted as metropolitan mayor at last night's AGM in City Hall.

To listen to the full conversation, and part of his speech, click the link in this podcast.


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