Déise Today

How to send Santa a letter and get a personalised response

How to send Santa a letter and get a personalised response
WLR News
WLR News

Alan McMahon, Founder of BrandAble, joined Damien in studio to discuss his new initiative called 'Santa's Letters.'

Children across the country now have the opportunity to send Santa a digital letter, and get a personalised response.

Santa’s Letters is an interactive digital experience that also allows parents and children to make a real difference to the lives of others this Christmas through its charity partnerships with Barnardos, Ronald McDonald House and Children's Health Foundation At Crumlin Children’s Hospital.

The aim of Santa's Letters is to 'help children help children.'


With the help of grown-ups, children can send their digital Christmas wishlist to Santa by logging onto www.santasletters.ie.

Alan shared why he chose these charities as the beneficiaries of the initiative.

Him and Damien discussed the initiative and where the idea came from.

To hear this and the rest of the conversation, click the link in this podcast.


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