Déise Today

Listen back: Grace on the devastation of her home flooding...

Listen back: Grace on the devastation of her home flooding...
Audrey Hennessy
Audrey Hennessy

After more flooding was caused by the Status Orange rainfall warning yesterday (Monday) in Waterford, Maria McCann spoke to some of those who were most affected by the extreme weather.

Maria spoke to Grace, who lives on the Belview Road, and who experienced devastating flooding in her home after 16 years of living on Belview Road.

Grace said she never seen flooding like it.

The fire service responded to help Grace and closed the road outside of her home.


However, Grace is still living in her home which is causing her huge stress, she explained, as she is currently on a waiting list for corrective back surgery and is experiencing pain.

To listen back to Grace on Déise Today, click on the image above...
