Déise Today

Co Waterford man's distress on losing €13,000 to scammers...

Co Waterford man's distress on losing €13,000 to scammers...
Audrey Hennessy
Audrey Hennessy

A CO Waterford man has spoken of his distress and upset at losing his life-savings to scammers.

The 78-year-old man spoke on 'Deise Today' about the situation which has left him without the 13,000 savings he had been putting aside over many years.

The married man told Damien on the show that he had received a phone call last week from someone claiming to be from his phone company offering him an upgrade and money back.

And after talking to the scammer over several days after, he helped the scammer set up an online bank account which resulted in this person accessing his online banking and clearing his account of all bar 43 cent.


The Garda Fraud Squad are currently investigating the case but the elderly man said he wanted to just make other people aware also of how ruthless, and convincing, these scammers are.

You can listen back to his chat with Damien by clicking on the image above.
