Déise Today

ISPCA Animal Welfare Inspector Alice Lacey chats to Damien...

ISPCA Animal Welfare Inspector Alice Lacey chats to Damien...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

On Déise Today this morning (Oct 4), Damien spoke to Alice Lacey, ISPCA Animal Welfare Inspector, as part of our WLR Animal Week focus.

Today is 'World Animal Day and here on WLR, we've been marking it with a week-long focus on all things animal, with a host of contributors over the week.

This morning, it was the turn of the ISPCA with Alice Lacey, Animal Welfare Inspector, joining Damien in studio!

She spoke about the work of the ISPCA, the often horrendous abuse of animals and some of the cases she has worked on personally.


The ISPCA is also hosting a charity cycle, Cycle Away From Cruelty, which starts in Wicklow on Saturday, October 7th and a pop-up shop in Cappoquin on Saturday, October 28th, with all the money raised in these events going to the care of animals in their facilities at the moment.

You can listen back to Alice and Damien's chat by clicking on the image above...
