Déise Today

Met Eireann's Gerry Murphy on Waterford's latest 'orange' warning...

Met Eireann's Gerry Murphy on Waterford's latest 'orange' warning...
Audrey Hennessy
Audrey Hennessy

A status orange rain warning is in place for Waterford, Wexford, and Kilkenny today (Monday), with a risk of localised flooding.

After the devastating floods from Storm Babet in West Waterford last week, Gerry Murphy, Met Eireann Meteorologist, was on Deise Today with Maria this morning, talking about what is expected from today's weather warning!

Gerry discusses the level of expected rainfall, the threat of surface flooding, and the weather for the rest of this week.

To listen back to Gerry's chat with Maria, you can click on the image above.
