Déise Today

Deise Today, Friday, 20th August, Part 1

Deise Today, Friday, 20th August, Part 1
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

In the first part of today's (Friday's) show, Damien spoke to WIT sociologist Jill O'Mahoney about a new report which reveals the South East to have the highest proportion of sex offenders in the country.

Rob Landers, who is vice-chair of the Irish Hospital Consultants' Association, was in studio talking about the 900,000 people now on some form of acute public hospital waiting list in Ireland.

Colm Kelly Ryan, of the Men's Development Network, called for the prompt passage of new laws protecting workers - mostly women - from harassment and abuse.

And Shane Ahern previewed the much-anticipated All-Ireland hurling final between Limerick and Cork.


