Déise Today

Waterford dog warden Keith Murphy talks dog control

Waterford dog warden Keith Murphy talks dog control
Audrey Hennessy
Audrey Hennessy

After many recent dog attacks across the country, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys has announced that new stricter rules will be introduced around dog control.

A listener of Déise Today from the Ballyduff area, Bridget, recently told Damien Tiernan about an attack on her dog, which resulted in her dog being left with terrible injuries and having to be put down.

In studio today this morning (Friday) with Damien was Keith Murphy, Waterford City Dog Warden, who answered questions about dog control, the new laws being introduced, and the recent dog attacks in Waterford.

Keith also gave advice on the legal action you can take if your dog is attacked and when dog wardens can step in.


Click the image above to listen back to Damien's conversation with Keith Murphy...

