Déise Today

Deise Today Climate Change Special...

Deise Today Climate Change Special...
Jennifer Long
Jennifer Long

Climate change, or climate breakdown as many are now calling it, is now constantly on our News agenda.

Locally, nationally and globally, there is more consciousness than ever of the impact of our daily lives and actions on our climate and our planet's long-term survival.

It was with this in mind that Deise Today aired a dedicated two-hour 'Climate Change Special' in September 2021, putting a local slant on this hot topic and talking to experts also about all that we're doing wrong as a human race - and all that we need to do to rectify it.

On Friday night last, this programme was honoured with a Gold award in the 'Specialist Programme of the Year' category at the prestigious IMRO national radio awards ceremony 2022  held at the Lyrath Hotel in Kilkenny.


You can listen to a 20-minute snapshot from this programme by clicking on the link above.

