Déise Today

'The Vicky Phelan Campaign and Portrait Tour' in Mooncoin this Friday

'The Vicky Phelan Campaign and Portrait Tour' in Mooncoin this Friday
Audrey Hennessy
Audrey Hennessy

'The Vicky Phelan Campaign and Portrait Tour' is coming to Mooncoin - Vicky's hometown - starting at 7pm. this Friday, October 27, in the local parish hall.

Cian O'Carroll, the solicitor for the late Vicky Phelan and many other women who were victims of the cervical smear scandal, spoke on Déise Today about the tour which tells the remarkable story of Vicky's life.

The event will honour her life and achievements and will also feature key speakers such as Billy Keane, journalist, and Tammy Darcy, Shona Project CEO.

Speaking to Maria McCann on 'Deise Today', Cian discussed the impact Vicky had on his life, why he took on RTE's 'The Meaning of Life' program after 'untrue comments' were made in an interview with Dr. Tony Holohan; and the cervical check controversy.


To listen back to Cian's conversation with Maria, click on the image above...
