Déise Today

Damien spoke to people from Ukraine in Waterford

Damien spoke to people from Ukraine in Waterford
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

Vadim Jones and Olena Pidoprygora are from Ukraine and living in Waterford.

Damien caught up with them on Déise Today, on foot of the atrocities taking place as Russia invades their home country.

Russian troops yesterday entered Chernobyl from Belarus, with Ukrainian forces waging a battle only to ultimately lose control of the plant.

Yesterday the founder and CEO of Chernobyl Children International, Adi Roche, has described the capture of the plant by Russian forces as a "nightmare".


Ms Roche pointed to the highly radioactive material around the plant, and appealed for it not to be not be targeted, or used as areas of shelling, bombardment, and ground fighting.

She said: "I appeal on behalf of all humanity, but mostly on behalf of the citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, and indeed on behalf of the citizens of Europe, to the warring armies, under the Hague Conventions, that the highly contaminated area around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station, with its thousands of tons and gallons of highly radioactive material, not be targeted, or used as areas of shelling, bombardment, and ground fighting.

Have a listen to Damien's conversation with Olena and Vadim,  through the link in this podcast.

And for all Déise podcasts, click here.
