Déise Today

A United Ireland would have to be properly planned, Cullinane says

A United Ireland would have to be properly planned, Cullinane says
Mary O'Neill
Mary O'Neill

Sinn Fein TD David Cullinane told Déise Today that a United Ireland is the primary goal of his party but that it would have to be properly planned.

The Waterford Deputy spoke to Damien after an historic weekend which saw the party become the biggest in Northern Ireland.

Sinn Féin won the largest number of seats in the election, giving it the right to nominate the party’s Northern leader, Michelle O’Neill, as the first minister of Northern Ireland.

This is the first time in the North’s history that this role has been held by a nationalist party.


Speaking to Damien, Deputy Cullinane said:

"The result in the North was a spectacular result, given the history of that state, given why the state was established in the first place, which was to create a permanent Unionist majority. To have a Republican as the first Minister is bigger than symbolism, it's about parity of esteem, it's about equality."

On the issue of a United Ireland, David Cullinane said that while it's a primary goal for Sinn Fein, the party doesn't want a border poll in the same way that British people "fell into Brexit,"  - adding that it has to happen in the context of "proper planning."

"You have to plan out what will that Ireland look like? For me, that Ireland has to be one where those who are British have all of their rights protected, because I don't want to see a United Ireland treat Unionists the way Nationalists were treated in a partitioned Ireland," he said.


You can listen to the full interview with David Cullinane, through the link in this podcast.

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