
Waterford TD apologises for 'situational awareness' tweet

Waterford TD apologises for 'situational awareness' tweet
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A Waterford Independent TD says his tweet around situational awareness was a 'clumsy attempt' to highlight the importance of personal safety.

On Sunday, Matt Shanahan responded to a tweet from Claire McGing where she spoke about how she was harassed in a public park.


Deputy Shanahan responded to the tweet by stating 'he often sees girls walking alone at night on phones', and 'situational awareness is vital and should be taught'.

Following on from the thread, Deputy Shanahan took to Twitter on Monday night to apologise for 'any offence caused'.


The Waterford TD told WLR News he has since apologised to Claire and says it was never his intention to cast an opinion on her behaviour.

"I have already apologised to the person involved... It was a clumsy attempt on my part to highlight something about personal safety.

"I accept the way I did it commenting in the thread, it could have looked as though I was casting some opinion on that lady's behaviour which was never my intention," he said.

Deputy Shanahan told WLR that he realises the consequence of his comments as a public representative and has taken the learning onboard.

"I have fully apologised and I accept as someone with a public platform it's just as important how I say something as to what I say and I have taken that learning on board I can assure you," the Waterford Independent TD said.

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