
Waterford must retain students to avoid 'brain drain'

Waterford must retain students to avoid 'brain drain'

Retaining students in Waterford City is important to avoid brain drain.

That's according to Independent Councillor David Daniels, who raised the issue at the most recent plenary sitting of the council.

He says a large number of people choose to study in the city, but the majority are leaving.

Speaking at the meeting, Councillor Daniels says we need to be retaining more students.


"In 2020/2021, 42 per cent of Waterford students are studying at the higher institute in Waterford. A large number of our students are leaving our county to study and work, resulting in brain drain," he said.

"A study commissioned by the Chamber and presented by David McNamara of EY highlighted that retaining more graduates in the region to live and work carries huge transformational power to create a university city."

He believes the North Quays development could benefit students choosing to live and study in Waterford.

"Look at what has been achieved at the IFSC in Dublin. If we could replicate a portion of that we could bring back our graduates and help transform the city," he said.


Cllr Daniels asked for a meeting with the Irish Funds Industry Association and the IDA to set out the "unique opportunity" that is unfolding thanks to the North Quays.

"This development provides opportunities that we currently have not maximised," he said.

"Waterford has a huge opportunity to partner with the financial services sector. SETU and the Waterford area have the talents and skills to fulfill employment in this sector."

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