
Waterford may see snowfall similar to the 'Beast from the East' next week

Waterford may see snowfall similar to the 'Beast from the East' next week

Met Éireann is warning of a risk of a significant snow event next week.

Siberian air arriving over Ireland could bring 'Beast from the East' levels of snow.

The weather is set to turn cold this weekend, and Michael Kelly from Waterford City Weather has been tracking this for the last five days.

"We're looking at maybe Sunday before the real cold conditions come in here.


"The Atlantic is going to be blocked off, so our source of air is going to be from the very cold, Baltic regions like Norway, Finland, and Russia - it's freezing there at the moment.

"The air is going to be creeping in from those areas - similar to what we saw in 2018 with the 'Beast from the East'" according to Kelly.

Although it's too early to tell what will happen yet, Michael explains what he can tell so far:

"On Monday, it might be a similar situation to 2018 when we had those showers bubbling up in the Irish Sea.


"Whether it's a North East or Easterly flow will really depend on how much snow we get or if we get any at all so there's still three days until it really arrives so the finer details are yet to be finalised."

Photo Credit: Nigel Kelly
