The Waterford Harvest Festival is expected to draw huge crowds to the city today and tomorrow.
There are dozens of food related events taking place throughout the city centre.
A number of streets are closed for the duration and there will be parking restrictions in some areas.
Paul Nolan is President of the Waterford Chamber of Commerce and former CEO of the Harvest Festival.
He says 80 per cent of money raised in the food and drink industry stays in the community that it's produced in.
One of the events this afternoon will see the Waterford blaa as the star of the show.
The GastroGays will share some of their great brunch stories from their travels around the world.
Russell James Alford and Patrick Hanlon say they are looking forward to trying out their brunch recipes on a Waterford audience.
This event is fully booked, however you can get a chance to catch Russell and Patrick at a free event at the Dawn Meats Demo tent tomorrow at 12.30pm.