
Waterford Gardaí urge victims of 'sextortion' to come forward

Waterford Gardaí urge victims of 'sextortion' to come forward
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Anyone in Waterford who feels they've been a victim of so-called 'sextortion' is being urged to come forward.

That's the call from a Waterford sergeant who says people are often reluctant to report when they have been the victim of this kind of criminal activity.

Do not engage

Crime Prevention Officer in Waterford, Sergeant Deirdre O'Neill says they're seeing increasing incidents of this:

"People are coerced into giving a photograph and then they are blackmailed with that photograph.


"That's quite common and we do get some complaints but generally people are embarrassed, they feel they've been duped and they don't report it.

"We would recommend you do report it.

"We would also recommend you don't engage, don't pay over any money and delete those contacts from your phone. Have no further engagement with them."

Coco's Law

Speaking on WLR's Waterford Garda Watch, Sergeant O'Neill says it's also illegal for intimate images to be forwarded without permission:


"Since February of 2021, there's a new Act has come in and it's called Coco's Law.

"It's a very powerful piece of legislation and it makes it an offence for anyone to share intimate images without consent or to record or distribute images without consent.

"So, if you feel you've been the victim of an offence in this matter, we would ask you to contact us."

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