
Waterford Gardai highlight concerning increase in drivers caught drink and drug driving

Waterford Gardai highlight concerning increase in drivers caught drink and drug driving

Gardai in Waterford say they've noticed a concerning increase in the numbers of people caught driving while intoxicated so far this year.

They're appealing to people to never drive under the influence of drink or drugs.

Gardai in the Waterford District Area which includes the City, Ferrybank, Passage East and Dunmore East, have caught 16 people suspected of driving while intoxicated since the 1st of January.

That's up from 10 incidents during the same period last year.


Five people were arrested since 6:00 pm yesterday evening alone. Three of those are drug driving incidents. In all, half of the cases involve drugs this year, up from one fifth at the start of last year.

Gardai say that some of these drivers were also outside their 5 km limit without a valid reason and will be receiving a fixed charge notice also.

They're asking all drivers to act responsibly, to never drive under the influence of an intoxicant and to "adhere to the Covid regulations so that we can all remain safe and get this pandemic under control".
