
Waterford Council 'not in a position' to support Tallow Horse Fair

Waterford Council 'not in a position' to support Tallow Horse Fair
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The Tallow Horse Fair which was due to take place on Friday, September 3rd has been cancelled according to Waterford City and Council.

The local authority says they were unable to legally provide traffic management and road closures, given the current public health restrictions.

Today, they are erecting signs to notify the public of Gardaí and the local authority's decision.

In a statement issued this morning a spokesperson said: "Following consultation with the Gardai and public health officials, Waterford Council are satisfied that Tallow Horse Fair is an outdoor event within the meaning of the public health regulations and that such an event is currently restricted to 200 persons or alternatively 500 persons where appropriate attendance controls and social distancing measures are in place, unless specifically designated  as a pilot event by the Minister.


"The Council is satisfied that controls on attendance or public health measures cannot be put in place and that appropriate notice cannot be given to road users or other affected persons. It therefore regrets it is not in a position to support the Fair in the current year."


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