
Waterford City and County Councillors to take several trips in the coming months

Waterford City and County Councillors to take several trips in the coming months

Waterford City and County Council has planned several trips for councillors in the coming months. Following an almost three-year travel hiatus, the trips identified are to investigate similar projects that align with Waterford’s economic, sustainability, and cultural objectives.


  1. Fact-finding/information gathering in relation to renewable energy and, in light of the recent commencement of the North Quays Regeneration Project, SDZ developments.  This trip includes sites in Wicklow, Dublin and Belfast (Titanic Quarter, developed by Waterford’s NQ SDZ developers, Harcourt Developments).  All councillors are invited to travel.
  1. Fact-finding/information-gathering trip to Utrecht in relation to active travel/climate action projects, and the development of sustainable bicycle networks. The trip will include site visits, presentations, and experience sharing on cycling enhancement and best practices.

11 councillors are invited to travel. This fact-finding mission is funded by NTA.

  1. Exploration of further linkages with Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, and its subsequent development in Dungarvan. The itinerary also includes meetings with Bausch and Lomb representatives in Rochester, as Waterford celebrates 40 years of twinning with its sister city.  Mayor and 1 councillor were invited to travel.
  1. Exploration of new twinning arrangements with Märkischer Kreis, Germany. The invitation was extended from a new twinning group to visit the area. Mayor plus 4 councillors are invited to travel.

Councillors are being invited to attend trips on the basis that the respective trips have relevance to their work on the various SPCs and their portfolio of work.

Waterford City and County Council has an approved budget that allows for these trips.


Cllr Joe Kelly has opted to travel to the Netherlands and also to Wicklow and Belfast.

Speaking on Déise Today, he says the trips are worthwhile. He added: "I didn't apply or look into any of the other trips because I don't particularly fancy trips or going out foreign to be honest.

"I like staying at home but I think these are ones that I feel are of huge benefit both to me as a public representative and for the people that I represent.

"The Belfast Wicklow trip is not funded by the council it's funded by the central government.

Eleven local Councillors are being invited to participate in a trip to Utrecht in relation to Active Travel and climate action projects.

The fact-finding and information-gathering trips are to destinations including the US, the Netherlands, and Germany.

Councillor Frank Quinlan is one of the councillors participating in the trips. He said active travel needs to be upgraded and it would be beneficial to travel to the Netherlands to see how they do it. He added:" There is one in March to Wicklow and to visit the Titanic Quarter in Belfast to see how BAM and Harcourt Developments produce their products.

"We have another trip to the Netherlands for ten councillors with the active travel team to see how the Netherlands conducts its cycling schemes.

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