
Waterford campaigner calls for equal treatment for people with disabilities

Waterford campaigner calls for equal treatment for people with disabilities

Waterford campaigner Karl Cretzan has highlighted what he describes as discrimination when it comes to HSE service provision for disabled adults.

24-year-old Karl, who has Cerebral Palsy, says that the suite of services available to those with disabilities is greatly reduced once they pass the age of 18.

It comes as disability activists from across the country took to the streets earlier today to say 'Enough is Enough' and to call for equal treatment for people with disabilities, as the rest of the society reopens.

Karl says that people with disabilities have the same needs in adulthood as they do under the age of 18 and says the way in which he was informed that he'd be losing out on service left a lot to be desired.


"You get a letter, and go to the appointment not knowing what it's about," he says, "you get sit down and you're told that you no longer have access to the same services except for wheelchairs and seating.

"There needs to be action taken by the government to increase services for people with high level disabilities moving from childhood into adulthood. There's no services for people with disabilites in Waterford over the age of 18."

In a statment to WLR, the HSE says it provides and funds a range of services for people with disabilities and their carers.

Community, residential and rehabilitative training services are also provided by voluntary organisations with grant aid from the HSE.
